Smart Class Room

We are embedded with smart class room which is totally digitized and provides easy and firm understanding of concepts and technology.We have recently introduced smart classrooms. There is an interactive white board on which diagrams, pictures and lessons are presented through a projector. They also have a resource centre where all lessons and planning for the classes are customised to the need of Students. It is much easier to complete the syllabus and students learn faster too.



Information and communication development opportunities and information flow are the big challenges arising from a dedicated review of most education questions whether from theoretical frames or material. School libraries are then considered one of the most important resources within educational facilities. We have an extensive library of 4600 sq. ft. which houses myriad of books on all subjects for all age group of students.

GGIC Saraimeer, Azamgarh (U.P.)

 GGIC Saraimeer, Azamgarh (U.P.) endeavours to develop and chisel a Holistic personality integrated with ethical values, confident to face the challenges of the globalization. School believes in the KASSM approach to expand knowledge, skills, attitude, moral and social values and nurture students beyond global boundaries.


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